Monday, April 13, 2009

Time to make the donuts

Remember this commercial with "Fred the baker"(click on title to jog your memory)? Do you remember the tired look on the little guys face? That's kinda me right now (minus the stache)after a whirl wind weekend in NYC with friends and family. Now, it's back to the biz and back to baking.

The other reason I feel a kinship with "Fred the baker" is because it's time for me to "rise and shine" before 8am...NOOOO! Yes, I have to do my due diligence with the locations I am considering, which means I need to practically camp outside of them morning, noon and night to watch people traffic. Thus, "Theresa the 'not a morning person' baker" will start by scoping out the downtown area at 7am! Have mercy my morning cup of caffeine.........

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