Monday, April 27, 2009

Baby Steps

Baby steps to learning how to bake, baby steps to deciding to open a shop, itsy bitsy tiny little baby steps to secure a location....

Securing a retail location in a big city is like forgetting to hit the 57 (or hold the pickle) on a Heinz 57 bottle, and waiting in "real time" for the ketchup to slug out! Alas, if patience is a virtue I should be just about ready for sainthood by now.

So, here is my "baby steps" location update - I sent out an LOI (which is a Letter of Intent - oooh, so official sounding) to the Landlord of the location I have been "eyeing" (this is a clue). The LOI is basically your wish list of terms you'd like in your lease. You prepare it for the Landlord, and then they put big read strike-throughs in your wish list, and send it back to you :). That is where I am now - the ball is in their court, which means this could take as long as the NBA playoffs!


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