Sunday, April 19, 2009

Little Cupcakes Big World

As a woman, one of the worst feelings in the entire world is the day you unwillingly go shopping for jeans or bathing suits. It is a FACT that no matter what your "real" size is, this size will not fit you. OHHHH NO, hold on to your happy places, because in these garments everything always seems just a bit too small. My personal favorite is when the sales person (in their sad attempt at trying to put a band-aid on a landmine) says something like,"Oh, they run small...European sizes, you know. "

In the food world this is the exact opposite. Size = more, and more = satisfaction. However, in our modern world of Weight Watchers and Yoga, size counts more and more! When I worked in the corporate world, I cannot tell you the number of times we would bring giant cupcakes, cookies, or muffins to a meeting or special occasion. Everyone in the room "oohs and ahhh's" over the goodies, but when it comes to actually eating them (due to the ridiculous size and calorie count) people cut them in half. This action of cutting the made-with-love treat in half is too painful for me to bare!

So, I have decided to go European on my cupcake and muffin sizes! One or two bites of a delicious Treet does a body (and a jeans shopping trip) good!

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