Just kidding...I'm not adding a hallucinogenic alcoholic beverage to the menu at Treet, and Pee Wee hasn't put back on his white platform dancin' shoes, just yet! But, I am currently creating a healthy, delicious, scrumptious (why isn't this word used more?) oatmeal cookie using agave nectar; which is a main ingredient of tequila. Therefore, as far as I can tell thanks to it's sweet ingredient this cookie still has the joy potential of Pee Wee, right? Hmmm, that is a lot of high expectations to put on a cookie, but this one could handle it. It is not only sugar free, it's fat free, low carb and (amazingly enough) incredibly delicious...yay agave! Due to it's healthy yet nutty nature I dub this winner- The Health Nut cookie!
P.S. Yes, I just figured out how to add images...
P.P.S Aren't you glad my first image was of Pee Wee? Don't answer that!
P.P.P.S Here is the first photo of The Health Nut...that's right it's an exclusive shot you'll on see here and I only had to pay $1 for it...take that Brad Pitt and Angelina.